Sunday, November 6, 2011

My Basic background.

(work in progress)
I was born in an old mansion in area which is currently known as the Berkshire, England. (an old area full of medieval castles and other mansions of grand size)
My dad was originally french and mother Japanese...

My parents were very refined and  liked to live with the old fashioned strict ways.

They sent me to the best musical colleges but I hated the dictatorship and unoriginality within.
i used to set the beds on fire at the college, and scare all the other students.
I loved to stay up in the middle of the night, in the candlelight, to write songs, which was another nice way to make the other students worried.

Later on I left the mansion to begin my travels.
My first stop was london, a city with over 2000 years of history.
I met many strange beings in my stay, mostly due to my nocturnal nature,
There I studied piano, and many other instruments. But my lack of interest for their schooling ideas got the best of me again and my abnormal sleep patern did not help, so I decided to move.
I then traveled to Versailles, to TASTE the richness of their nightlife.
I loved mostly the borque ideas, and all the old Roman Catholic Churches.

At one point I remember growing so sick of mankind that I found myself in siberia, this quickly became a problem though I once again uprooted.

Lately I've made a few stops... One was Miami, florida, to live with a relative that was a tattoo artist.
It Was fun time for me, but I grew a bit bored quickly.
Then I moved to L.A. but there was too much sun for me.

Then in Oslo not much to tell here apart that I enjoyed the short light of days...
and now finally I am Shinjuku, Tokyo, Japan.

today I play in the band Abaddon, my creation, with also a deep special meaning for me.
With my brother Karael de La Tour d'Auvergne (we have same father, different mother).


  1. This Is Totally Breathtaking!!! Can't Wait To See/Hear Abaddon...

  2. You have lived the life I've wanted. haha! Only thing I've accomplished thus far with mine is writing/drawing by candlelight. I wish you much success with the band.
