Thursday, November 17, 2011

Short return to Japan


Today I will return to Japan.
One thing that always bothers me about Europe is the lack of おにぎり Onigiri Takoyaki たこ焼き -_- and cup noodles....
But I love the landscapes and all of the medieval areas... Which is why I always return and why we will make our music video in Europe...

I'm now at the new home that Karael recently moved in!
It is amazing! ^,..,^
かっこいい!!! Kakkoi!
Sugoi sugoi sugoi!

C'est un très bel endroit!
It is a very beautiful place! and I will return again VERY soon.
I love the view of the city from the window.....

Well I should probably go now or I will miss my flight...

I've decided to sing mostly in english seeing as it is the "universal" language.
But do not worry I will also add a bit of French and Japanese!

Mata ashita


  1. Come back to visit me whenever you like, brother! ^^

  2. I have been learning Japanese for years, and recently French. Japanese is so beautiful, yet very complex. lol I have friends in Japan that give me support though. ^^ Good luck! Believe and you can achieve anything.

  3. im so excited to hear the new music <3 <3
